The Art of Deception

The Art of Deception


At the time of my reading, The Art of Deception was 18 years old. It was published in 2001 and covered the career of a hacker that spanned from from the 80’s to the turn of the millennium. As such, much of the information on specific technologies and tactics are painfully out of date. But with that said, the purpose of this book was not to teach people how to write a mainframe code, it is to teach you how to use deception as part of your hacking toolkit. In that regard, this book is timeless.

The book is organized into about 20 anecdotes, each demonstrating a different tactic or imparting a key issue with the way humans hand their information. It shows you that not all hackers sit behind a screen alone using their programming skills to cause havoc. Some cause havoc in person using more analog methods.

My Reaction

While I did enjoy reading about these anecdotes, I feel like these chapters would be better in a blog or a series of social media posts. That said, each one did touch on a very real issue of the time such as phone phreaking, dumpster diving for credentials, and working you way into places you shouldn’t be allowed. The age of the book makes finding those real issues a bit of a drag, but I feel it is worth while to stick with it to the end.


This novel will not teach you how to be a hacker, but it may open your eyes into aspects you previously had not considers. I do count this as mandatory reading for cyber security professionals, but I wouldn’t be upset it if were lower on your list.

The Art of Deception

Suitable for:

IT Professionals

Software Developers

Security Analysts

Security Engineers

Security Operators


Other Executives

My Rating


Amazon Rating


Goodreads Rating


Countdown to Zero Day

Countdown to Zero Day


Countdown to Zero Day, by Kim Zetter, is an in depth accounting of how the Stuxnet malware package was developed, discovered, and what impact it had on the world. Kim Zetter gives a behind the scenes peak from the perspective of malware researchers from Symantec, as well as insight on the politics behind the attack. This accounting strikes an impressive balance between technical and narrative details that makes Countdown to Zero Day an amazing read for cyber security professionals.

My Reaction

Kim Zetter refrains from toning down many of the technical details behind the attack, as many other novelists do. Its a breath of fresh air to see actual filenames, algorithms, and specific mechanisms discussed as part of a larger narrative. That said, she still provides plenty of narrative to help the uninitiated glean valuable lessons from the tale of the first nation state cyber war attack. While sometimes the political insights tend to drag on, the overall story is succinct enough that I finished the whole novel in just two sittings.


I highly recommend any cyber security professional to pick up this book. Besides learning a lot about this specific attack, the novel exposes some aspects of bug bounty hunting, malware reverse engineering, and operational technology security. Many may thing OT/ICS security doesn’t affect them but with IoT, self driving vehicles, and automated factories – you may be faced with tough security questions faster than you think.

Countdown to Zero Day Book Cover

Suitable for:

IT Professionals

Software Developers

Security Analysts

Security Engineers

Security Operators


Other Executives

My Rating


Amazon Rating


Goodreads Rating


Taking Up Serpents: Snakes, why’d it have to be Snakes

Taking Up Serpents: Snakes, why’d it have to be Snakes


The follow up to Invasion of Privacy, Taking up Serpents is another techno-thriller in Ian Sutherland’s Brody Taylor series. It continues the story of Brody, a white hat hacker this time following up on things that happen in the previous novel. Brody is on the hunt to stop a hacking organization that has threatened his life after his past escapades, and stumbles onto clues from a recently deceased friend. Again, Brody is off to solve a mystery while his girlfriend solves more physical crimes that ends up colliding with Brody.

My Reaction

This novel has a lot of the same great beats as the previous novel: realistic use of technology, insight into the life of professional hackers, and absurd drama to drive the story forward. The romance picks up a bit in this novel which is not exactly what I was hoping for. However, the novel balances that out by touching on more diverse topics such as computer forensics and malicious programming.


If you’re looking for a break from the real world stories that haunt our cyber lives, this is a great reprieve. Even if you are not a techy, there is not a lot that would be considered technobabble, but enough to make the well initiated happy.

Taking up Serpents

Suitable for:

IT Professionals

Software Developers

Security Analysts

Security Engineers

Security Operators


Other Executives

My Rating


Amazon Rating


Goodreads Rating


Chasm Waxing: A great story in need of an editor

Chasm Waxing: A great story in need of an editor


Chasm Waxing has an excellent premise and a covers a great variety of topics. For cyber security and/or IT professionals, this book really employs a lot of concepts that you will appreciate. For the not so tech savvy, B. Michaels offers great explanations of hard concepts. It does not require a doctorate in computer science to follow the plot, but having one will surely make this book a more interesting read.

The first act offered great – albeit dramatized – insight into cyber security, emerging technologies, and start up strategies. It is not action packed, but it is mentally and emotionally engaging.

The second act is a dramatic and welcome change in pace that feels a bit like a new story, but weaves all the concepts of the first act together into real tension. The character roles are well defined, the antagonist emerges, and the stakes are made clear.

The third act returns to the same voice as the first act with a lot of learning and exposition about the implications of technology. It mostly sets the stage for the second book with a lot of cliffhangers in the final chapter.

My Reaction

If you are looking for a real cyber thriller that uses real technology in a deep and accurate way, this is the book for you. Even if you don’t know what AES, strong AI, or a start-up accelerator is, you will enjoy this story and hopefully learn a little about these topics.

However, this book desperately needed more editing or proofreading to catch grammar mistakes and real-word spelling errors. The last line in the first paragraph had a real-word spelling error, which put me on guard for the rest of the story. They are few and far between in the first half of the book, but start getting rather frequent and distracting in the last quarter. I have highlighted and noted some, but I got a bit tired of doing so after awhile.

The use of quotation marks was a bit maddening and I often had no idea who was talking or if anyone was talking. In some places the wrong names were used which required a few extra readings to work out if that person suddenly joined the conversation or if it was a writing mistake. In other places, sentences had no punctuation at the end.

The redactions were interesting the first 2-3 times, but after a few chapters they really detracted from the story. At one point, two whole pages were redacted and I was left not knowing what was happening. However I don’t think anything critical to the plot was in those redactions.

The book spent a good amount of time building up to a sequel. Its been 4 years since this story was published and there’s no sign that a sequel is in the works. For what its worth, I hope the sequel pans out as I would love to continue this story.


This book was a fun read from a cybersecurity perspective. I have not yet found another novel that integrates so much newer technologies and cyber processes into a story line. I would recommend this book to readers who aren’t as picky about editing mistakes as I am, and who like to read techno-thrillers. There’s not a significant amount to learn in this novel, however the part about the accelerator was quite new to me.

Chasm Waxing Cover

Suitable for:

IT Professionals

Software Developers

Security Analysts

Security Engineers

Security Operators


Other Executives

My Rating


Amazon Rating


Goodreads Rating
